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This tool allows you to paint Diffuse, Metallic, Specular, Roughness, Emissive, Opacity, Normalmap and Displacement map textures directly in the Unreal Engine.

A variety of options are available to use. There is a undo-redo system in place allowing you to add up to 15 undo's if needed. Brushes are fully customizable (you can add custom brushes as well), and a variety of brushes are included to give you some options on how to interact with the colour information. There is a built in 'mirroring' function for the X, Y and Z axis, and each individual texture can be exported as a .EXR files. These files can be imported directly into Unreal, or Photoshop for further editing.

There are 2 versions. An in-editor version with lots of options for baking out textures you paint, and a game-ready version which you can use to either paint colours, or drive effects.

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